Meet Quintin Adam
9+ years of Ruby on Rails experience and in rapidly developing bespoke user-friendly solutions. Specialized in eCommerce, Payments, API Development, and backend optimizations.
5+ years of experience in living the remote work and asynchronous lifestyle.
5+ years of experience running startup companies.
Senior Backend Developer
February 2022 - Present (3 Years)
Wayfinder designs SEL + Life Readiness curriculum for K-12 schools that develops healthy self esteem, belonging, and purpose. Responsible for creating a performant backend API, CSV data importing, as well as building connections with integrations.
Founder - Developer
July 2017 - Present (7 Years 7 Months)
Modern florist eCommerce multi-tenant platform. Utilizing Stripe Connect and a custom Stripe checkout flow. Focusing on building a great customer experience and ease of use for store owners. Stores on the platform are constantly doubling online sales each year by improving the site as well as offering suggestions to store owners on how to optimize sales.
Project Manager - Full Stack Developer
April 2018 - Present (6 Years 10 Months)
Built from scratch, backend system for a nationwide janitorial company. Giving the company an overview of their 2,000+ serviced locations by generating customized audits for each location. Over 360k audits completed and over 30k issues were found and quickly resolved. Each audit is dynamic and is completed by an on-site supervisor. Other functionally included custom reports, location issue management, and notifications.
July 2018 - January 2019 (6 Months)
E-Learning platform designed for wellness coaches to easily create courses and accept payments, through Stripe Connect. Built-in video upload and transcoding service.
Contract Rails Full Stack Developer
September 2017 - May 2018 (8 Months)
Backend system for Wyndham Vacation Club to manage employees' access to an online benefits portal. Processing of CSV files to manage employees.
Project Lead - Full Stack Developer
August 2016 - September 2018 (2 Years 1 Month)
An online fundraising platform accepting payments through Braintree and Spree eCommerce platform to purchase digital goods. The fundraising platform was built as a hybrid mobile application with iOS and Android apps and integrated with Square Connect to allow card swipes with the Square Readers, using the Square SDK.
Contract Rails Full Stack Developer
June 2016 - November 2017 (1 Year 5 Months)
Worked on the fundraising portion of a fantasy sports application, FireFan. Also implemented feature flag/rollout support to give the ability to turn on/off features to users.
Elasticsearch & Backend Developer
April 2016 - June 2016 (2 Months)
A political app where the goal was to determine what precincts in Utah had the highest swing rate. This was accomplished by sanitizing and importing CSV data from past elections and sending them to ElasticSearch. From Elasticsearch we would run queries and filters to calculate the data and visualize it on a map.
Full Stack Rails Developer
June 2014 - August 2016 (2 Years 2 Months)
Helped create, test, and maintain over 16 projects. The project type varied from an ElasticSearch backend API to a Spree site and a bit of everything else in-between for both internal and public use. For all of our projects, we maintained clean, reliable, and well-tested code. Helped move our applications from Heroku to our internal data center and then later to AWS, this was accomplished using SaltStack to set up the servers and deploy the code.